
Friday, November 23, 2012

Bloggy Awards!

Thank you to Mrs. Young at Young Daze in 5th Grade Daze in 5th Grade for nominating me for the Liebster Award. This award is given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It is to show new bloggers that they are appreciated and to help spread the word about new blogs. I’ve been blogging about two months now, and still can’t believe people are interested in what I have to say. It’s awesome to get so much support from the blog world and to be able to learn from all the other bloggers out there!


So, here are The Rules:
                                                             -You must post 11 random things about yourself.
- Answer the questions that the nominator set for you.
- Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
- Choose 11 blogs you love (with less than 200 followers) and link them in your post.
- No tag back (but please leave me a comment on this post with the URL to your Liebster post so I can learn more about you)!
11 Random Things About Me:
                          1.       I’m 4’10” and a half. (And my hubby is 6’3”.)
                          2.      I was born in Colorado, but grew up in New Orleans.
                          3.      If I could live anywhere it would be Baton Rouge. 
                          4.      I’m married to an athletic trainer.
                          5.      I have two black labs, Jack and Tux.
                          6.      I love to cook!
                          7.      I’m determined to turn everyone in Utah into LSU fans J.
                          8.      I got my bachelors and masters degrees from LSU.
                          9.      By this time in 10 years, I hope to have my PhD.
                         10.     Halloween is my favorite holiday.
                         11.      I have to have my coffee every morning and diet Dr.Pepper every afternoon.                     
   Questions I had to answer from Mrs. Young:
1.      Where is your favorite place you've ever visited?
I grew up going to the Ashville, NC area at least once a year and it will always have a special place in my heart!
2.      Where is your favorite place to shop for teacher clothes?
Ann Taylor Loft or New York & Company...I haven't found a NY&C in the Salt Lake area yet!

3.      Favorite holiday tradition?
My hubby and I got married a week before Christmas and collected a bunch of ornaments on our honeymoon. I love getting out those ornaments every year and reminiscing about our honeymoon and how life has changed since then.

 4.      Favorite book to read with your students?
My 2nd graders are just LOVING the Wayside School books by Louis Sachar. I love hearing them giggle while I read.

 5.      Why do you blog?
I hope that by blogging I’m helping other teachers in some way. I like sharing my ideas and getting ideas from all the fabulous teacher bloggers out there!

 6.      Favorite song?
Anything by Adam Levine! (Maroon 5) I could listen to his voice ALL. DAY. LONG!!!!

 7.      Has it snowed yet where you live?
We got close to 2 feet a couple weeks ago! That’s more than this southern girl has ever seen! We definitely took advantage of it!

 8.      Favorite quote? Inspirational, from song, or movie.
I keep this Bible verse in my wallet…”In order to hear my voice, you must release all your worries into my care…Accept each day just as it comes to you. Remember that I am sovereign over your life. Rejoice in this day that I have made, trusting that I am abundantly present in it.”
School-wise, if you ask my kids my favorite quote, they’ll tell you, “Practice makes progress!”

 9.      Can't live without teacher item?
            My lesson plan book!

 10.  Who is your childhood superhero?
Well, this isn’t a “super”hero, but when I was a kid, my heroes were the girls from the Baby-Sitters Club. Haha. I wanted to be just like them!

 11.  Favorite TV show?
            I’m watching The Office for the third time through on Netflix…

 Questions I’m Asking My Nominees:
                                               1.      How did you get started with blogging?
                                               2.      Where did you go to college?
                                               3.      What is your go-to dish for potluck parties?
                                               4.      If you weren’t a teacher, what would you be?
                                               5.      What advice would you give a new teacher?
                                               6.      Cats or dogs?
                                               7.      Perfect vacation destination?
                                               8.     Guilty pleasure TV show?
                                               9.      Biggest student pet peeve?
                                              10.     Favorite holiday?
                                              11.     Favorite sports team?

Blogs I'm Nominating:
(I know, it’s not quite 11…and some of them have more than 200 followers...but they're all still relatively new!)

I'm honored to be a part of this community. Thanks for dropping by!


Fourth Grade Flipper said...

Hi! Thank you so much for nominating me for this award! I already did post about it when I was nominated this summer here. Your blog is super cute and I am your newest follower!! Thanks:)
Fourth Grade Flipper

Bren P. said...

Thanks so much for nominating me, Brittany! I had lots of fun answering your questions. You can read my responses here:

Underpaid and Overblessed said...

I loved reading your post, Bren! I know exactly what you mean about students getting up to throw trash away...I bought a bunch of plastic beach buckets from the dollar store and keep those in the middle of each table to stop that exact problem. Then a kid empties them at the end of each day. :) You're so sweet for mentioning me in your post. Thanks!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for answering. I also adore Adam Levine and Baby Sitters' Club : ) It's fun to get to know you better!

Young Daze in 5th Grade

EmBellish said...

Thanks for the nomination!! I too love your blog design. Very cute. And I love the ornament tradition. I love this time of year!

Tangled with Teaching

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